Tumblr Network


In February 2014 posted a gif on my main reblog tumblr (228miles.tumblr.com) that got a good number of likes and reblogs. And I was wondering, who actually reblogs who? They probably didn’t all reblog me through the tag search?!

In September 2014 I had approximately 4000 notes with about 3000 reblogs. Getting this data was quite complicated since the Tumblr API only has limited access to the last 50 notes. I ended up using Web Scraper, a Chrome Extension to get the user names of all the people who reblog and who they reblog from in a csv file. This I used with gephi and sigma.js, to then visualize the data.

I think this was quite interesting to see who my biggest “promoter” are, Vodkaliebe and Sekundenbruchteile (nice user names btw).

Version 1 // interact with it here

Tumblr Network Gephi

Version 2 // interact with it here

Tumblr Network Sigma Tumblr Network Sigma2

This has the same data and the same color coding.

Aesthetically, I like Version 2 more, but in Version 1 you can see clearly who are most successful with reblogging my gif. I am looking forward to updating this data visualization, improving the interaction and design, and learning more about the distribution as the gif has about 8800 notes, now (February 2016).